Sunday 15 April 2012

terima kasih masa lalu

memang harus move on, tapi boleh aja flash back sebentar ke masa lalu karena kalo gak ada masa lalu mungkin kita gak bisa dapet masa depan.

jadi, terima kasih masa lalu. :)

Ibu :)

ntah kenapa jadi pengen "nulis" di sini--setelah tadi stalking di blog orang dan tiba2 saya terinspirasi.

saya inget saat saya pernah ngeluh sama ibu karena saya lagi haid saat itu. *maaf gak saya sensor atau pake nama samaran. Menurut saya ini gak tabu*
Saya bilang kalo saya merasakan sakit yang luar biasa. Saya hampir nangis saat itu.

Entengnya ibu bilang ke saya kalo yang saya rasain sekarang belum ada apa-apanya dibanding yang beliau rasain pas ngelahirin mas Rian, saya dan juga Reza.

Seketika, saya langsung gak ngerasain sakit lagi.
Saya gak mau nangis karena sakit, tapi malah karena ibu saya yang jasanya luar biasa spektakuler.

Saya langsung inget gitu apa aja yang udah beliau lakuin buat anak2nya yang bandel ini.
Ya Allah, hamba malu mengeluh.
Bahkan ibu aja gak pernah ngeluh karena sakit ke anak-anaknya.

Pantes kalo surga di telapak kaki ibu.

Sayang ibu karena Allah :')

Monday 2 April 2012


Rama is handsome. He has amazing brown eyes. His sparkling eyes remind me with the enchantment of starlit night. It is interesting to see his sharp medium eyes. Not only his bright eyes which have brown color, but also his skin has brown color. His skin is exotic and fascinating. With that color he is truly Indonesian handsome man. Then, we will get mesmerized if we see his charming smile. A dimple on the left side of his cheek adds to his handsomeness. His smile will melt our heart like the fire melts the ice. It is not excessive if there is nothing compares his extraordinary handsomeness.

Yes, I fail

"Our greatest glory is not, in never failing but in rising up every time we fail". That is famous quotation from Ralph Waldo Emerson toward failure. Surely most of us have taken part in competition consciously or not. Of course there is a winner and loser. It is very proud to be a winner, but it will be shame to be a loser. Possible for some people to desperate and getting mad from that, whereas there are some mysterious things. There are positive things for our personality which can learn from the bad shame failure.

One important lesson from failure is appreciation; appreciation for ourselves and the failure itself. Maybe we fail to reach our goal, but on the other hand, more or less we had done our best and we have bravery to try. It is better than we let our plan as dust which blows by the wind. By those mean, we appreciate ourselves; our struggling to make our idea comes true. Then, we may not underestimate all of the things in this world. We must work hard because to get something is not easy. In the future, when we want to try again we will give our best effort. Therefore, lost something will give important effect for our personality.

Something else of the positive reason beside appreciation is struggle. Failure is a bridge to be success. That quote it is true obviously. Though we fall down, but failure indirectly forces us not to give up. We may not stop on that point and feel like the end of the world. Failure is just phase which need to be finished by rising up and keep struggling from failing. Afterwards, failing is also testing our creativity. The test will open up our mind when we want to try again. We will make an innovation based on our experience before. This innovation will increase our struggling for the next chance. Thus, struggling is good for our personality in rising up from the failure.

Another big thing is become humble person. The main point is we respect other people’s ability, if they have more ability than us. It gives us a warning not to be so vain with ourselves. Then, lose something makes us say thank even for sad experience. Whereupon, we will make an evaluation toward ourselves; what we have done before. We will make us confess our own lack and superiority from the other people. By evaluating, we prevent ourselves not to do the same that has made us fail before. Beside that, failing can develop our personality to be a better person. When we have developed ourselves, we have bravery to try again in the next opportunity. So, from failing something gives positive affection for our personality.

When we learn many positive things even from worst event, such as appreciation, struggling and become humble, we will develop our personality to be a better person. It also changes our paradigm if failure is not shame, bad, and awful experience. In reality, it will be amazing if we apply those things, but it quite rare.